Art Lessons with Renee Smith,Pinch Pot Animals
Unit: Ceramics Learning Goal: Produce a work of art through clay that utilizes additive/subtractive techniques. Art Vocabulary: additive & subtractive shown visually with pinching techniques. Additive is adding on and subtractive is taking away. Standards: VA.1.C.1.In.a Create visual imagery and symbols to convey personal interests. VA.1.C.1.Pa.a Attend to visual or tactile imagery and symbols that convey personal interest. VA.1.C.2.In.b Use various media or techniques to create artwork. VA.1.C.2.Su.b Explore various media or techniques used to create artwork. VA.1.S.1.In.a Use a variety of visual art processes and media to express ideas. Art Lessons with Renee Smith,Pinch Pot Animals Youtube title. Play video and model how to : Step 1- roll a ball Step 2- Press your thumbs into the center Step 3- Pinch a pot Step 4- Add (Art term additive) a head of an animal you like. Step 5- Take away, subtractiv...