Art Lesson with Renee Smith, Jewelry Design with Clay.

Unit of Work:  Ceramics

Learning Goal: Produce a work of art through clay that utilizes pinch forms.

VA.K.S.3.1: Develop artistic skills through the repeated use of tools, processes and media.e.g.,media-specific techniques,eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills.

Underlined & enlarged  Vocabulary used this week:
VOCAB UNITS: COURSE OUTLINE: KINDERGARTEN -Line, thick, thin, straight, curvy, broken, geometric shapes, square, circle, triangle, oval, texture, rough, smooth, pattern, good craftsmanship, color wheel, primary colors Realism, Abstract, portrait, tearing, folding, cutting, bending, pinch, photography, camera, computer, iPad, clay, kiln, fire, prints, mixed media, fiber, weave, collage, color wheel

The quietest tables tracking the teacher will receive the clay first.

You have 3 things to do in today’s class (K are fast workers to show them quickly what to do after each thing right away so they do not get out of their seats).

Play, then replay the video how to as I go around and offer one on one help.


Art Lesson with Renee Smith, Jewelry Design with Clay.

1- Roll a coil/snake , say coil, your vocabulary word of the day.

Now Pinch the coil into a shape and shape your bead. Beads are designed by a jewelry designer and that is what you are today. I am making a heart symbolizing love.

2-Then I will draw my bead design on the paper. This is your jewelry design drawing.

3- Lastly you will use the crayons and color the still life fruit, Cezanne style. Like we learned use 3 colors on the fruit and make the background different colored form the tablecloth. I will go around and offer help and collect your beads. Stay in your seat. You can only have a free center option if you finish all 3 tasks. Do a good job as you will sow your family your art this week in the Winter in Woodland Art show Wed., Dec. 13!...when is your art show?? Display your art!

Differentiation / Accommodations

*Accommodations made with private, one to three tutoring at each table as replay the how to video andI walk around to offer help and hear about the students ideas with their clay beads.

* Shapes can be drawn on paper as scholars finish the sculpture. Examples shown.

*Crayons for design color and the still life color sheet for early finishers. Recalling the previous lesson on Cezanne still life with a background, table and 3 colors on the fruit.

*Coach the best with each level, encouraging a personal theme and meaning in art expression and bead choice.

*Assessing the student level together with the 1-4 Level Art Evaluation poster and printed color rubrics at each table.

*Allowing the students to show me what they can do in art so I may help each child perform to the highest level , individualized.

*Basic Classroom rules & CHAMPS gone over as well as line up and Jobs/Helpers. Looking for the child acting out to give a job to in order to offer praise for something done well.

*Free Art Choice when done (2-3 choices each class) include* Draw/Color Free Art- 1 white sheet of color art therapy sheet. * Modeling Clay, * DIgital Art (Art Rage App)  or * Weaving with yarn center.

Homework: Look out for art and jewelry designs you can point out to your family. SHow them you know what was designed by a designer. Bring in any ideas for your card design as you will continue as a designer next class. Research the internet for more ideas to make your art and plans more detailed.




Still life color sheets


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