Showing posts from 2015
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“Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high “Fix your eyes on JESUS.” on wings like eagles. -Hebrews 12:2 They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31 These Verses from God's Word help me when I get down from the storms of life. There are storms and will be storms in life. Do we stay down...
everyone can help the poor.
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"Alone we can do little. But together we can do much."- Tiger Smith Now to go help the poor. All of us can help with Please join praying we can help more girls saved from sex work to sew the bags Profit goes to starting a Friendship house in a remote village with no power or running water. Be blessed. Your Friend -Renee Helping the poor . Everyone can help someone in need. Who can you help? Think about it. If you get a thought to help someone act upon it. ... I almost did not! I was bike riding home from work (teaching at Hope International School) and wanted to get home fast! As I biked by a dirty barefooted woman I could not help but notice the adorable tiny baby she was carrying. I had the thought after passing to give her my fancy water bottle in the basket of my bike. I almost did not turn back to act on this thought! ...
Summer 2015 Slum Village
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Man, am I learning a lesson on CONTENTMENT. " Be CONTENT in what you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you.". - Hebrews 13: 5. Wow God is always with us. That, my friend, is good news. No matter what you are going through. I was at the slum village paying Titah, a new mom. She makes bracelets and earns 15 UDS a month for money for food. I get to her family hut with her baby asleep in a hammock under the stick hut above the dirt. Her other 4 children are smiling despite dirty clothes and no shoes. Their outdoor tiny fire has a pot on it cooking water with what they can afford to put in for soup. I am invited to sit under the hut in a hammock as Tita was in the middle of a "shower'. Her "shower" consists of being outside in the village where all can see and dumping a bucket of water over her head with a sarong on. After doing this several times she pins up her hair an...
Summer 2015 Slum Village
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Man, am I learning a lesson on CONTENTMENT. " Be CONTENT in what you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you.". - Hebrews 13: 5. Wow God is always with us. That, my friend, is good news. No matter what you are going through. I was at the slum village paying Titah, a new mom. She makes bracelets and earns 15 UDS a month for money for food. I get to her family hut with her baby asleep in a hammock wonder the hut above the dirt. Her other 4 children are smiling despite dirty clothes and no shoes. Their outdoor tiny fire has a pot on it cooking water with what they can afford to put in for soup. I am invited to sit under the hut in a hammock as Tita was in the middle of a "shower'. Her "shower" consists of being outside in the village where all can see and dumping a bucket of water over her head with a sarong on. After doing this several times she pins up her hair and is read...
Friend's Flooded Hut
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Friend had twin baby girls and lives in this flooded hut. Helping the poor in a slum in Cambodia. We don't realize how very blessed we are. My friends in America deal with comparing to all those around them who are better off, always comparing with the person who has the better toy, car, house,..and on the list goes. Stop and look at the poor beggar. Then look at what you do have, Glass still half empty of half full? Blessings from Cambodia. Covered in sweat again here/ :) I'm not as tough as my Khmer friends! Much Love- Renee
Rainy Season in Cambodia, 2015
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These huts are leaking! See the need , fix it! There are poor in every country. What do we do when we see poor people. My challenge to you is to be a blessing to someone today! If you see a beggar and they are truly poor they will be grateful for some food. Give a poor little beggar a banana and watch them smile. Go ahead, make their day! The best part is not that warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping others but treasures in Heaven and our Heavenly Father blessing you for being a blessing to others. Jesus said, "Love one another. " Love is an action, not just a feeling. Let's press on (despite feeling bla) and pray for one another. ...
My New Favorite Song- Try to watch the video w/out crying. SO touching! :)
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From your friend Renee, a breast cancer survivor. Here in Cambodia with 2 less body parts I didn't need to live a life of JOY in the LORD. The lyrics of this song say it best, " .."cause God is holding you right now....Don't give up, you're an over comer.." Link to Over Comer by Mandissa. Song on youtube He helped me overcome and now live for Him in Cambodia helping the poor at our beloved slum village church Tige started, teaching dance and choir (to young girls saved from human trafficking, rape or threat of at She Rescue Home), teaching missionary's kids Art & Drama (at Hope International School) & more including being a mom to 5. Yes- college kids count too and I have 2. I rely upon my heros Joni Earekson Tada (quadriplegic) & Nick Vuijicic (life without limbs) for Inspiration when hurting & down- ...
Helping at the Village
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Look at the little kids at the end of this video. They brought me such joy by having drippy noses. WHAT?! Gross, right? It made me realize they were never taught how. I was able to get out tissue, give them each a piece and say:-muy-bi-pie (1-2-3) and blow!! They all blew their little noses and wiped. So cute! Helping at the village is hot, sweaty and rewarding. Let's see who we can daily help with basic needs...see the need, fill the need. Love from Cambodia- Renee
Pray for Chia
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Dr. Tiger? No, he is not a medical doctor but tries to help when he can. The villagers come bring Tiger to those who need help and sometimes they just need a bandage, a little love, a kind work and a prayer. Sometimes more. Let's keep the poor and needy in prayer. God is good, all the time. Love & prayers coming your way (if you are reading this) from Cambodia from Tige & Renee
Cambodian Family Hut. Come Visit with me- Renee
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Come visit friend SuMum and her family in their hut in a slum in Cambodia. SuMum has the neatest hut. We have to take off our shoes before entering and she keeps this stick hut as clean as possible. She simply requests soap so she can wash her babies clothes and powder for her babies rash. That's all. The joy of a visit from a friend despite circumstances has the entire family run to their hut to welcome me! The husband is wearing a Willy Wonka shirt from Jacoby which gives Goodwill donations new meaning here. Let's keep these families living in the slums in prayer and help those in need when we can. May God bless you= Prea-um Protein Poah (my Khmer to english phonics)- Renee