
Showing posts from November, 2017

Art Lessons with Renee Smith,Pinch Pot Animals

Unit: Ceramics Learning Goal: Produce a work of art through clay that utilizes additive/subtractive techniques. Art Vocabulary: additive & subtractive shown visually with pinching techniques. Additive is adding on and subtractive is taking away. Standards: VA.1.C.1.In.a Create visual imagery and symbols to convey personal interests. VA.1.C.1.Pa.a Attend to visual or tactile imagery and symbols that convey personal interest. VA.1.C.2.In.b Use various media or techniques to create artwork. VA.1.C.2.Su.b Explore various media or techniques used to create artwork. VA.1.S.1.In.a Use a variety of visual art processes and media to express ideas. Art Lessons with Renee Smith,Pinch Pot Animals Youtube title. Play video and model how to : Step 1- roll a ball Step 2- Press your thumbs into the center Step 3- Pinch a pot Step 4- Add (Art term additive) a head of an animal you like. Step 5- Take away, subtractiv...

Art Lesson with Renee Smith, Jewelry Design with Clay.

Unit of Work:  Ceramics Learning Goal: Produce a work of art through clay that utilizes pinch forms. VA.K.S.3.1: Develop artistic skills through the repeated use of tools, processes and media.e.g.,media-specific techniques,eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills. Underlined & enlarged  Vocabulary used this week: VOCAB UNITS: COURSE OUTLINE: KINDERGARTEN - Line, thick, thin , straight, curvy, broken, geometric shapes, square, circle, triangle, oval, texture, rough, smooth, pattern, good craftsmanship , color wheel, primary colors Realism, Abstract, portrait, tearing, folding, cutting, bending, pinch, photography, camera, computer, iPad, clay, kiln, fire, prints, mixed media, fiber, weave, collage, color wheel The quietest tables tracking the teacher will receive the clay first. You have 3 things to do in today’s class (K are fast workers to show them quickly what to do after each thing right away so they do not get out of their seats). Pl...

Art Lessons with Renee Smith, Ceramics plates with design.

Flying High Themed Plates, Ceramics Unit: Ceramics Learning Goal: Produce a work of art through clay that utilizes complex forms and glazing techniques. 3rd Grade Art Vocabulary: The vocabulary words used in today’s lesson underlined on poster in class: Add low relief . Depth , symmetry, two-dimensional, positive space, negative space, intermediate colors, low relief, glaze, printing plate, multiple images , brayer, apps (digital visual art application), copyright laws. Low relief definition : Relief, ( from Italian relievare: “to raise”) also called relievo, in sculpture , any work in which the figures project from a supporting background, usually a plane surface. Reliefs are classified according to the height of the figures’ projection or detachment from the background. In a low relief , or bas-relief (basso-relievo), the design projects only slightly from the ground and there is little or no undercutting of outline Lesson: Play then replay the how to video I ...