Renee's blog & Video from our place in Cambodia!

Hi= Susadai!

Rainy season has just started right after our move here to Cambodia! Who-hoo! The coolness it brings allows us to stop sweating for a moment when it's raining! The kids can play in the rain to cool off! Praying for all believers (including our family in need of prayer) as we daily have to choose the right attitude. DO we act all hot, sweaty and grumpy or do we press on toward the goal asking our Lord for help & His joy.??

"..Press on..Heavenward in Jesus Christ."- Phil 3: 13 & 14- gotta go- Jadon is yelling in the rain- come on, it's so fun! LOL


  1. Hi= Susadai!

    Rainy season has just started right after our move here to Cambodia! Who-hoo! The coolness it brings allows us to stop sweating for a moment when it's raining! The kids can play in the rain to cool off! Praying for all believers (including our family in need of prayer) as we daily have to choose the right attitude. DO we act all hot, sweaty and grupmy or do we press on toward the goalasking our Lord for help & His joy.??

    "..Press on..Heavenward in Jesus Christ."- Phil 3: 13 & 14- gotta go- Jadon is yelling in the rain- come on, it's so fun! LOL


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