Ninja Warrior Moments & Israelite History Reflections
Ninja Warrior Moments & Israelite History Reflections with Renee Set the scene. We are living in Cambodia and I go on the back of Tiger driving the motobike, we get there and I see a high schooler in year 10, same year as my daughter, waiting at the gate for his friend. Then I see it on the way to the front door stairs. It looks like I can swing from the hanging rope swing from the balcony. We had just watched ninja warriors the night before and women were competing. I grab the swing, bringing my knees into my chest for the abs move and, SLAM! On my back for a whole minute in shock, until Rachel Saunders comes out, looks down at my lying there in her cute apron, and I hobble up acting like it doesn't hurt. I have a bruised coccyx (tailbone). It is swollen and sore now, three days afterward during Khmer New Year holiday then right into Easter/Resurrection Day. This is the preface to my next blog. Yes, I needed encouragement and still do because the pain is not o...