
Showing posts from 2013

Cambodian Orphanage Summer 2013

 Cambodian Orphanage kids are so devoted.  They tell us to get there at 8am and say, "You come every day?".  Emily and Attalia have even been waking me up as they love going to see our friends.   We Just found out on Friday that some of our friends at the Orphanage are moving back to other villages after the USA tour.  The best dancers and singers of the 13 Orphanages were picked for the USA tour then are sent back to their Orphanage.  We have friends moving back to Battambang and Shianouk.  We hope to stay in touch.  One cool kid Pyreak loves singing and is a really good dancer.  He hopes to get a device in the USA ,if someone is generous, so he can get internet on to stay connected. Two of the orphans do have devices as do their leaders going to the USA with them.  Pyreak said to us on Friday, Ï'm feeling lonely."and looked sad thinking of moving back to Battambang and not seeing us all again. They have a great facebook group NewHopefo...

Cambodia Orphanage Ministry Started Summer 2013

Cambodia Orphanage Ministry  Here are the NHO (NewHopeforOrphans) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with Teacher Renee and below with Emily & Attalia. Teaching them Praise Dance, Choir and Art has blessed us all!  We are able to visit them every day now during summer break until school starts, then will continue once a week.  They are so precious and it blesses us getting to be a part of their lives.  God put on my heart to write the small Children's Book called:  ADOPTION- The Loving Option - about how God has ADOPTED us into His Kingdom.  I gave them my book as a gift as the message is for them and all children of God!  So we love the orphans here and will continue to visit them as they grow on you!!! Praying for our rural village outreach coming next weekend right before I start teaching at Hope International School Aug. 5. Let's keep each other in PRAYER as we strive to make a difference in the world with the good news and hope we have in...

Prayer Answered June 2013

Prayers Answered in June 2013-just 1 month after moving to CAMBODIA. I come home to find an e-mail from th e Khmer Orphanage Director from New Hope for Orphans, " "...the moment i heart you shared that you can teach dance, it really brought joy to my heart. you are like an angle that God send to us in a time of need. we really need a dance teacher who can teach our children dance with English songs.."- cut & pasted direct quote. :) =  PRAYER ANSWERED today as my prayer request for God to open the door at the right orphanage for me to volunteer was answered! = THE NEED TO PRAY & know God will answer!  Thank You God & Acun- Tks. those who prayed!!!  SO much Love in Christ - Renee ps. Rainy season here & got to give this beggar with no legs that work my pink raincoat & make him happy....the little things :)  LOVE YA!
Tige and Renee in SE Asia June 14, 2013 at 1:26 AM We made it!!! Moved from Golden Gate Seminary Student Housing in Mill Valley, California to Phnom Penh, Cambodia!! Renee, new Art Teacher at HOPE International School. Tige will be finishing his PhD. while teaching Bible here. He'll be training Bible students to pastor unreached villages. Pray I find the right orphanage to volunteer in that we will be a blessing to!  Let's keep eachother in prayer- Renee Thanks for visiting our blog.Our website & link to and Renee's Art Gallery at the bottom of the homepage (where the artwork is) is                         :)

Renee's blog & Video from our place in Cambodia!

Tige and Renee in SE Asia June 14, 2013 at 12:59 AM Hi= Susadai! Rainy season has just started right after our move here to Cambodia! Who-hoo! The coolness it brings allows us to stop sweating for a moment when it's raining! The kids can play in the rain to cool off! Praying for all believers (including our family in need of prayer) as we daily have to choose the right attitude. DO we act all hot, sweaty and grumpy or do we press on toward the goal asking our Lord for help & His joy.?? "..Press on..Heavenward in Jesus Christ."- Phil 3: 13 & 14- gotta go- Jadon is yelling in the rain- come on, it's so fun! LOL

Sunrise is a new day to serve the Lord! Here, in Cambodia, or where you are put!

Tige and Renee in SE Asia June 14, 2013 at 1:57 AM Power just went out here in Cambodia, but it's on again a lot quicker here in Phnom Penh than where we used to live. I am new to blogging so please share any tips because I we are just learning how to do this! It is adventure here (itching a bug bite again) as finding things you need is like a scavenger hunt on Blue's Clues. The best deals are bartering at one of the tent markets that have pigs snouts for sale and chicken heads. First chicken soup I boiled with the little head peeking at us! Josh asked me, "Ïs there any Tom's of Maine or natural deodorant here?". So if you visit us you know what to bring!!! :) Let's keep praying as we need His protection and direction like never before! HUGS- Renee Kompongsom Bible School, Cambodia