
Showing posts from April, 2015

Rainy Season in Cambodia, 2015

These huts are leaking!  See the need , fix it!  There are poor in every country.  What do we do when we see poor people.  My challenge to you is to be a blessing to someone today!  If you see a beggar and they are truly poor they will be grateful for some food.  Give a poor little beggar a banana and watch them smile.  Go ahead, make their day!    The best part is not that warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping others but treasures in Heaven and our Heavenly Father blessing you for being a blessing to others.                                 Jesus said, "Love one another. "    Love is an action, not just a feeling.  Let's press on (despite feeling bla) and pray for one another.                                               ...

My New Favorite Song- Try to watch the video w/out crying. SO touching! :)

From your friend Renee, a breast cancer survivor.  Here in Cambodia with 2 less body parts I didn't need to live a life of JOY in the LORD.  The lyrics of this song say it best, " .."cause God is holding you right now....Don't give up, you're an over comer.."                           Link to Over Comer by Mandissa. Song on youtube He helped me overcome and now live for Him in Cambodia helping the poor at our beloved slum village church Tige started, teaching dance and choir (to young girls saved from human trafficking, rape or threat of at She Rescue Home), teaching missionary's kids Art & Drama (at Hope International School) & more including being a mom to 5.  Yes- college kids count too and I have 2.  I rely upon my heros Joni Earekson Tada (quadriplegic) & Nick Vuijicic (life without limbs) for Inspiration when hurting & down-  ...